Right now I am 10 weeks along! That means our baby is about an inch and a half long (or the size of a prune). An amazing fact about our baby this week is that its elbows are already working!
I am feeling the pains of having a "barnacle" growing inside me (the baby's newest nickname). Morning sickness hit with a vengeance at week 6 and hasn't let up since. I feel like I am sleeping all the time! I included a picture here of me this week. Now, I am the first to admit that I wasn't a skinny girl to begin with! So this picture doesn't have much "baby bump" to it, just my normal chubbiness. But I know that I will like to look back eventually and see how my belly changed over time.
So I'm back to blogging. I promise to blog about more than just my pregnancy! Although the recipes may be on hold until the second trimester...
Have you tried Crystallized Ginger for your morning sickness?
Thanks TJ! Brandi, I am so over ginger! I tried ginger ale, ginger candy and ginger tea. At this point I can't handle any more ginger! But tonight I tracked down some Preggo Pops which several people have said are a miracle cure. Fingers crossed!
you can also try preggie pop drops (which are hard candy instead of lollipops) or really any candy that is sour.....I can't say I am an expert at the whole morning sickness thing because mine only lasted 2-3 weeks
Ashley, those are the ones that I got. They seem to be helping today. I am extremely jealous of your short morning sickness!!
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